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Zain Abid

Team Member
  • Email:
  • Phone: +92 3238062033
  • Website:
  • Address: 11Km Luddan Road, Vehari

Hi, my name is Zain Abid. I am a digital marketer with over 1 year of experience. I have a strong passion for helping businesses grow online through effective digital marketing strategies. I excel in creating engaging content and managing social media campaigns that drive results. My expertise in video editing and graphics designing allows me to deliver high-quality visual content that enhances brand identity and engagement.

I am dedicated to staying updated with the latest digital marketing trends to provide the best services to my clients. My goal is to ensure businesses maximize their online presence and achieve significant growth.

Professional Skills

Graphics Designing
Social Media Management
Video Editing

Personal Details

Hi, my name is Zain Abid. I am a digital marketer with over 1 year of experience.

I specialize in graphics designing, social media management, and video editing. My goal is to help businesses enhance their online presence and achieve their marketing objectives.